Our Services

Thai Massage

Thai Massage

Body Massage For Men

Body Massage For Men

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Our prices

Thai Massage

Rs 5000

Hot Stone Massage

Rs 8000

Full Body Massage

Rs 10000

Shop No 1, Ground Floor, North Avenue Road, Mohan Sagar Bldg Santacruz West Mumbai, Maharashtra 400054

Contact Us

Disclaimer: Silkspa.in is an intermediate platform between Massage Seekers and Massage service Providers, using which Massage Seekers can book his/her appointment on the basis of information made available by the Massage service Providers directly OR indirectly. You are advised to verify above listed companies on your own behalf. You must check (double check) their credibility on your own before making any final deal with them. We are not responsible for any kind of loss, transaction or any anything involved in massage sigment either directly or indirectly. INAPPROPRIATE ENQUIRY OR SEXUAL INTENTION, INCLUDING CONTENT, LANGUAGE OR OTHERS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNDER THE RULE OF APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY.